Do you hear me?

As I was out this evening I heard the Father very clearly pose a somber question, "Do you hear me?"

It was not can you hear me, but do you hear me.

In two gospel accounts we see Jesus from the cross crying out; not in anger or remorse, but from the separation from the Father. Do we so acutely hear the Father that it pains us when we become separated from him by our sin, or do we even notice?

And about the ninth hour (three o’clock) Jesus cried with a loud voice, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?—that is, My God, My God, why have You abandoned Me [leaving Me helpless, forsaking and failing Me in My need]? Matthew 27:46 (AMP).

Even in his grief of separation, Jesus staid near the written word, for his cry was taken from Psalm 22:1. Jesus the word, was repeating the written word. Now he asks us, "Do you hear me?"

This season is a good time to examine ones self. What is it I have placed before God? What have I knowingly or unknowing allowed into my life that keeps me dull, not hearing the heart of our heavenly father. The solution is so simple it baffles our reasoning. We, like Jesus, should call out to God.

Jesus carried my sin/your sin on that cross. The sin of past, present and future has been dealt with, if we call upon the name of Jesus in repentance and turn our hearts to Him.

Now is the time to call out to God. Let your voice be heard by Him. Let the light of your life be seen by the dying world. They are crying out. You can speak the words of life, words of truth. In doing so, you may be able to answer the haunting question, “Do you hear me?”


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