For the church of Dayton, Ohio

Let me hear what God the Lord will speak,
for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints;
but let them not turn back to folly.
Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him,
that glory may dwell in our land” Psalm 85:8-9 (ESV).

I speak to my church of the five rivers geography. I speak to those who would hear my voice and move in submission. I am the creator Lord, the Commander of Hosts, “Move forth.”

It is time for action; arise to your feet for the time has come for my light to be seen in this dark place.

It is time for those who are mine to mature and arise in my ways. Stop the inner complaining and questioning. Do you not know that is witchcraft? I have called you to truth.

I am the Lord your God. It is I who will bring the changes. It is through your submission that I can perform my plans. Allow me to work.

I am cleansing you, do not resist my purity.
I desire to fill you with knowledge, but you need my purity to not misinterpret my objective.

I come to bring life.
Through your submission, my truth will destroy the works of the enemy.

I offer you life, yet I find you too often accepting the ease of avoidance.
Come to life now. There is a battle.

Stop waiting for a personal sign to become active. My Holy Spirit lives within you. Follow that guidance and not your own ways.

There will be more signs, like that in California. There will come more great rumblings and shifting. Yet know the signs and wonders follow those who speak my truth when I direct. They are my attestation.

Arise and speak my words of truth that the geography about you may be cleansed. Speak forth my heart in your neighborhoods. Bring healing to the places you are at work.

Fear nothing, except me. Be found among those who are mine. They know my voice, but they perform my ways when I ask.

“But when, but when?” you ask. Draw near to me and surely I will direct you. Listen to the sound of my breathing. Surely it is my ways to bring salvation.

Do you trust me? Arise and see me. For I am the Lord, your God.


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