the first and the last

I am the first and I am the last.

I am the Word.
Hear me.

I am the Lord.
It is my desire to rebuild your ruined places.

I am the Almighty God;
Walk and live blameless before me.

I am the way.
Follow the in my pathway.

I am the man
Who heals the blind.

I am the Lord who brought you out.
Possess the vision I have for you.

I am the Lord
Who sets you apart to be holy.

I am the living bread.
Partake of only what I can provide you.

I am the light of the world.
Allow me to illuminate your dwelling place.

I am the Lord of Israel.
Find your place at my table.

I am the one who is speaking to you.
Prefer life over death.

I am the first and I am the last.


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