Come into my labour

Come into my labour.
Walk in the way I have created
And you will find me.

The fullness you are desiring comes from being in my will
and doing the work set before you.

Without me there is an empty void.
With me there is hope and renewed vision.

Come into the fields and labor for my kingdom.
Do not let the harvest come to spoil.

Release the heavy loads you toil with
And rest in me. I will put my burden upon your spirit.
You will carry my yoke and find relief.

Labor not for the things that perish.
Be not trapped by the commodities of your life,
But be caught in the need to be near me.
Find rest in the work I provide.

Come into my labour
And find peace and contentment.
Allow me to supply for your needs.

Take up my ways.
Reach the multitudes in need
one at a time.

Come to me and labour for my kingdom.


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