BUT THE [Holy] Spirit distinctly and expressly declares that in latter times some will turn away from the faith, giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits and doctrines that demons teach 1 Timothy 4:1 (AMP)
I was recently shown a warning dream. In this dream there were many who were being seduced. Most of it was blatant, yet unknowingly, these people were being led astray. They were partaking of things they would knowingly avoid. It was as if these believers had become blinded to open sin.
Not all fell prey to the seduction. Those who had not fallen into the trap were identified by the enemy. There was a point in time where they were openly physically threatened; with the intent of their death.
We need be aware. There are many seductive spirits actively about. They are moving along side all they can approach. Initially their tactic may not seem noticed and almost innocuous. They seek to desensitize God’s people to sin and those things they know are wrong.
Do not become caught in the trap. This is the time to sharpen your spiritual discernment. Consider the decisions you make. Evaluate where you spend your time. Watch the alliances that you are considering. Be washed in the word of God daily. Take captive every thought that tries to influence your mind. Weigh it carefully against the truth of Jesus.
I was recently shown a warning dream. In this dream there were many who were being seduced. Most of it was blatant, yet unknowingly, these people were being led astray. They were partaking of things they would knowingly avoid. It was as if these believers had become blinded to open sin.
Not all fell prey to the seduction. Those who had not fallen into the trap were identified by the enemy. There was a point in time where they were openly physically threatened; with the intent of their death.
We need be aware. There are many seductive spirits actively about. They are moving along side all they can approach. Initially their tactic may not seem noticed and almost innocuous. They seek to desensitize God’s people to sin and those things they know are wrong.
Do not become caught in the trap. This is the time to sharpen your spiritual discernment. Consider the decisions you make. Evaluate where you spend your time. Watch the alliances that you are considering. Be washed in the word of God daily. Take captive every thought that tries to influence your mind. Weigh it carefully against the truth of Jesus.