
Showing posts from October, 2005

I am the light

Let my light shine. Do not withdraw. Allow it to flood you. Be filled with me. My light is pure. It exposes areas that need healing. Step into fullness, become whole. I am calling you to follow me. I will illuminate the pathway you are to take. My light will shine. Follow me. Be constantly filled with me. There is no fear when you are in my light. I illuminate the lies and deception. I dispel all darkness. I am the light of the world. I am calling forth vessels to carry my word and truth. Are you willing? I am calling forth a new people; I require an army who moves when I move and rests when I stop. Do you trust me? Expose yourself to me. Surrender to the purity of light. I am all you need. My light shines through those who trust me. My light shines for those trapped by the ways of the dark one. My light releases their bondage. My light releases your bondage. Seek me to receive what I have for you. I am calling forth those who will step forth. I am calling those to walk into the dark a...

God in sports

Have you noticed a recent trend in sports? There was a recent increase of the champion spirit brought forth in the area of New England with the emergence of the Patriots in football. It has been repeatedly commented about their commitment to teamwork and not the individual. But the LORD is with me like a dread champion;Therefore my persecutors will stumble and not prevail They will be utterly ashamed, because they have failed,With an everlasting disgrace that will not be forgotten. Jeremiah 20:11 Have you noted who has won the World Series the past two years? Last year it was Boston and this year Chicago. It was a Red Sox with a bloody red sock (Kurt Schilling) that lead Boston to it's first victory. The "curse" was lifted. RED Sox and WHITE Sox; Consider these significant coverings and direction for the champions of God.For these White Sox gained victory. They soundly defeated their set of three opponents. This was their first championship since the infamous year of 1919...

the heavenly armory

For although we are walking in the flesh, we do not wage war in a fleshly way, since the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. We demolish arguments and every high-minded thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. And we are ready to punish any disobedience, once your obedience is complete. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (HCSB) We’ve all read and heard about spiritual weapons. We have some realization they are not weapons, as we would normally define weapons. We seem to know what the spiritual weapons are not, better than we can define what they are. I was recently re-awakened to perception of spiritual weapons. In a vision I was taken into the heavens. I found myself in front of a building with a very large doorway. There was an angel at the doorway. When he saw me looking inside, he asked if I knew what the building was. “No,” I answered shaking my head. I was t...

Standing firm

Stand firm in me. Examine me. Embrace the truth of my Word. I am truth. I have laid down my life so you might live in abundance. What I have done stands eternal. I have equipped you as new citizens. Walk in me and allow me to show you my love. Learn to increase your trust in my. I am truth and life. In me you can accomplish kingdom results; Speak redemption by offering acceptance. Feed my people what I have given you. Share my bread of life. Stand firm. Weather the storms and grow in me. All resources are mine. Spread them into my kingdom that the net of my ways will increase. I have equipped you to accomplish my ways. Walk in the truth I have presented, yet remain open. Grounded in what I have spoken, more will be shown you. Stop examining your supposed lack. I have equipped you to work in my ways. Through me my kingdom grows.

Flooded with Light

I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the wonderful future he has promised to those he called. I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance he has given to his people. I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of his power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms. Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else in this world or in the world to come. Ephesians 1:18-21 (NLT) I ask that this prayer of Paul seat itself within you. With your heart be flooded with the light of Jesus, He outflows to those we are around. As God is so rich in mercy towards us, so should we too reflect this great example. We have an inheritance far above our earthly standard of wealth. As we are called to be a light unto the world, we too may cast the shadow of healing. With a...

and Jesus answered

And Jesus answered, O you unbelieving (warped, wayward, rebellious) and thoroughly perverse generation! How long am I to remain with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him here to Me. Matthew 17:17 (AMP) Yes, Jesus answers us. He hears are conversations and requests. He hears our cries and our partitions. He hears the spoken and unspoken words of accusation and rebellion. Most importantly, Jesus answers us. He converses with those who come seeking him. One thing we need notice in scripture there is one key ingredient for Jesus to answer. We must engage Jesus if we expect an answer. He does not answer unasked requests. We can see that Jesus turns to, stops to hear and pauses to those who come to him and engage Him. Jesus may even wait before answering our prayers. Perhaps he gives us time to examine our hearts and request. Perhaps he allows us to determine if we are really calling to him or are complaining of our circumstances. He may even be allowing us to see if we believe He ...

A word for intercessors

I heard the Holy Spirit speaking as I worked outside. There is a call for intercessors to come into alignment. There are many of my people who have been hidden away in closets. Not that I put you there, but out of your woundedness. It is time to come forth. Enter into a new light of glory. If you are healed then step forth. Now is not the time to be silent. Some of you are in varying stages of what seems to be healing. Allow me to bring fresh light so the process comes to completion. There can be no tenderness or guarding at the point of the wound, if you are to clearer hear and speak my words. There are those of you who cloister in your own domains. Align with what I am doing, and do not stay myopic. Allow my vision to bring forth my plans, else your acuity will decrease. It is time for my intercessors to do the work you were called for. Some of you who are hidden away, need now take your place on the wall. Some of you now on the wall are being moved to the gait. You will bring my gu...

autumnal prayer

Father, I write you with a torrent of needs in mind. I see the enemy sifting at friends. He is releasing death and discouragement upon your people. Lives are being stolen and replaced with doubt. Finances are being removed and replaced with uncertainty. I sense those that were once strong in you, now weakened due to the doubts sent by the enemy. They need clarity of mind through you. They need your salve, so their spiritual vision may not only be restored, but granted an increased clarity. Countries are being torn apart. Neighboring people groups are terrorizing one another. Disasters follow upon disaster upon disaster, so much so that we wish not to hear or see the news of them. Our governments are weakened morally and financially. Leadership only sees their microcosm and strategizes to keep instead of helping others. Our judges are corrupt defining laws by their own wishes. Justice is not sought, but pushed away, into obscurity. Yet is this time of darkness we know you remain true a...

I know you

I know you. I am familiar with every facet of your life. You are mine, and I cherish you. You are mine. I see the great things I’ve planted within you. When I look at you I see my son. I know the pains you hold within. But within you is light. Within you is destiny. Within you lies healing for nations. I have placed within you the weapon of my love. With authority you carry my sword of truth. The power of multiplication is within your grasp. You are to bring food for the widows and homeless children. I am pleased when I hear you praying to my Son. My spirit prods you to new levels of intercession. There are no limits to those who desire more of me. I will pour myself freely and fully into your life. I create circumstances so you might grow in maturity And more of me is seen when you walk. Those who learn to sit with me learn there are no failures. Do not become distracted by victory lest you lose your focus in me. For to the ones who have more of me, are the ones more will be given.