God in sports

Have you noticed a recent trend in sports? There was a recent increase of the champion spirit brought forth in the area of New England with the emergence of the Patriots in football. It has been repeatedly commented about their commitment to teamwork and not the individual.

But the LORD is with me like a dread champion;Therefore my persecutors will stumble and not prevail They will be utterly ashamed, because they have failed,With an everlasting disgrace that will not be forgotten. Jeremiah 20:11

Have you noted who has won the World Series the past two years? Last year it was Boston and this year Chicago. It was a Red Sox with a bloody red sock (Kurt Schilling) that lead Boston to it's first victory. The "curse" was lifted.

RED Sox and WHITE Sox; Consider these significant coverings and direction for the champions of God.For these White Sox gained victory. They soundly defeated their set of three opponents. This was their first championship since the infamous year of 1919 and a talk of scandal and cheating.

Let us keep awake. God is speaking to his people through the very fabric of life. He is making it seem in venues with vast audiences. We are his people; we are champions through teamwork with Him. We are called to wear the blood and holiness of Christ, our champion, to publicly declare a victory. We are called to break curses and bring victory to those long forgotten about.


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