A word for intercessors

I heard the Holy Spirit speaking as I worked outside.
There is a call for intercessors to come into alignment.

There are many of my people who have been hidden away in closets.
Not that I put you there, but out of your woundedness.
It is time to come forth. Enter into a new light of glory.

If you are healed then step forth. Now is not the time to be silent.
Some of you are in varying stages of what seems to be healing.
Allow me to bring fresh light so the process comes to completion.
There can be no tenderness or guarding at the point of the wound,
if you are to clearer hear and speak my words.

There are those of you who cloister in your own domains.
Align with what I am doing, and do not stay myopic.
Allow my vision to bring forth my plans,
else your acuity will decrease.

It is time for my intercessors to do the work you were called for.
Some of you who are hidden away,
need now take your place on the wall.

Some of you now on the wall are being moved to the gait.
You will bring my guidance and wisdom to the leadership.

Without each leading and calling, the whole body will suffer.
You are all called to me.
If you are unsure of your position, step away into the mode of prayer.
Ask and you shall receive guidance.
I am the one who has created you
and know what I have planned for you to do with me.

I want my authority shown forth.
This comes through the lessons of humility.
I am bringing a rearrangement.
While to some you may initially feel slighted,
you are in need of my healing.
I am bringing forth my alignment
so that you each may function more fully in your calling.

This is a time of promotion into the ways I have created.
Allow my hand and leading to guide you.
Look to one another so the whole plan can be formulated.
Let my words arise from the earth and penetrate into the heavenlies.


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