You are my people

You are my people.
I have created you.
From the beginning you were created with purpose.
That purpose has not changed. You are to still subdue the earth.
You are to have dominion over the earth, caring for and tending to its needs.

I have created you for marvelous deeds to be accomplished for me.
That can be accomplished as you learn to trust and obey my leading.
You must know my word, the written and the spoken.
Seek to discover my secrets that I may reward you.

You are my people.
For my plans to be accomplished you must place me first.
You must stop thinking about your ministries.
Seek me and focus upon my ways.

Grow strong in me and in my name.
Allow my glory to be seen.

I have created you, my people, to grow and not be stagnant.
My water is ever-flowing.
Share the security and refreshing I can bring.

I have created this discontent within your heart.
I have place a need for more of me.

It is not my intent that you be comfortable, but matured.
It is time to move beyond the reliance of Judah.
It is time to take new ground.

There has been a new birthing for this time.
Accept my children of Issachar.
I have gifted them with knowledge. Listen when they speak to you.
They are burden-bearers.

Release my sons and daughters of Joseph.
Without those visions and dreams your zeal for me perishes.
The blessings I have granted you run deep, yet not without suffering.

You are my people, created for my purposes.
Grow in me that my glory may be released.
Do not become weak in my testing, but persevere in me.
Know the reward is sure.

Be holy for I am holy.
Your purpose has not changed.
Do not become complacent.
Hope in the things I have privately shared with you.
Work for the things I have corporately shared with you.


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