gather into me

Be gathered into me. Washed in the blood of my son, you may draw near.

Do not be satisfied with what you now see or know. There is more.
I have created you to walk in fullness.

I am the way that was provided.
In and with the Father are my ways for you.
Follow me. Follow the new things I am showing you.

There is no failure in those who love the Father.
I have created you unique. It is time to gather into me.

It is time for a new launch. I am making the nest too small. I am shaking the branches and creating an even greater hunger. Launch forth my eaglets.
Though you will fall, I will catch you on my wings. Though you seem to plummet, fly. Set your vision on me and not what is seen.

I have sent forth the mature ahead of you. They will direct you. Listen to my Words. I am speaking. I speak through those lives entered into me. Strengthen yourself in me. Embrace the food I have for you. I am supplying what you need.

Grow in me. Fly higher. Fly up to me.
I am calling you out of what seems to be safety and security. I am calling you to a new dependence upon me. I will not fail you. For you are mine. I am the one creating the circumstances. Gather together.

I am the one who will guide you into the ways of the beloved son. I was sent that you might learn to walk in fullness. I am the one there with you now. Follow my guiding winds. They will lift you higher into the heavens.

I brood over mine. No harm can touch you under my guidance. I am removing veils that now cover you. The hiddeness was my protection. The veil is now off, so stay in me.

I have given you new sight. Gaze into Him to receive revelation. You will see new things. Do not be afraid. Do not grow proud in the revelation you will receive. Learn the maturity of silence.

Receive my new covering.


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