
Father - Change us into the image of your son. Soften us so we will not crack or shatter. Enfold us with your warm oil. Speak your words of life into each one of us. Let us become so changed that others ask us what has happened, that we can be beacons of light for your kingdom ways.

Let healing flow from us as we approach those in need. May the minions of evil flee before us at the sight of Jesus so strong within us. May we walk benath your cloak of humilty so that we become not tainted at what you do throughus.

Let the hungry be fed from our hands. That the food we give them continue to multiply as they need it. May their bodies become nourished and satisfied through the drinking of your pure water.

May the authority we carry affect those about it, so your ways become second nature even for those who have yet to come to know you. May we speak your truth into the lives of the leadership at all levels of our governments,

We declare you as our only leader. We are totally dependent upon you. AMEN.


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