the 03-06-09

You are mine. As my spiritual offspring my DNA inhabits you.
I have created you in my image. Be filled, the mind of Christ,
my son, is available to you.  He is in me as you maybe in Him.
We are one mind. Allow me to overflow through you.

I am bringing more winds, so learn to shake free from what binds
you to the earth. Loosen you grip and allow me to carry you.
Ride the winds far above he turmoil and bathe in my peace.
Radiate my glory.

Free yourself from the limitation of the past and what you think the
future is.  Follow me and allow me to guide you.

But the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.  Habakkuk 2:14 (NRSV)


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