scene during prayer

I was recently at the early service of a local church. The pastor had a word of knowledge and called three specific groups of people forward for healing. The same time I saw the people going forward I was shown swirling activity from a hole in the ground. The call to prayer had brought forth action from those of the evil one.

These being were sent out to cause confusion for those receiving prayer. I could see their swirling commotion and the heads to cause a distraction. Next though I saw like a slow succession of lamp posts coming ablaze within those receiving prayer. Some were brightly lit, some barley burning and other shed no light.

Behind this all I could see a large heavenly spiritual over sear. He was very large. I'm guess at least 20 feet tall. He stood quietly watching over those giving and receiving prayer. He was arrayed in golden armour and had a blue sash across his torso from the shoulders to around his waist. As I look at his face, his eyes were deep with compassion and he had a firm but gentle smile.

As the people went back to their seats they were accompanied by heavenly escorts which had not been previously visible.

As I asked for revelation as to what I was seeing, it become clear that healing was available to all, but only those who had burned brightly as the lamp were receiving that which they should. The others were caught in the evil commotion and confusion flying about about the heads. In receiving, we need not wonder “if” or “when”, but keep focused upon the healer himself. It's not about us or who is praying for us, but our focus through that which comes to confuse us; solely upon Him.


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