three in one

So Jesus answered them, "I tell you the solemn truth, the Son can do nothing on his own initiative, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise.
For the Father loves the Son and shows him everything he does, and will show him greater deeds than these, so that you will be amazed. John 5:19-20 (NET)

I was recently shown a very short vision of a man and a Bible. The Bible was lying open on the ground, and the man stepped onto, or more correctly, into the Bible. The man was hidden within it; he was fully immersed in the word.

Today I was walking the dogs. As we went up the street the glint of a penny in the morning sun caught my eyes. I picked it up and a few steps later there was another penny. For me, it was a way to get my attention; for God wanted to give me his two cents. I wondered if that was it or if there may be any more change for me that day.

I had to drive to downtown Dayton this morning for jury selection. On the way from the parking garage to the Montgomery County Court building I found a third penny. (Three as the number of God). I looked at the penny, noting the date and placed it in my pocket. A few minutes later I was in safety inspection line. I placed my wallet, small bell and keys into the basket. As I went through the detector I set off the alarm. As directed I rechecked my pockets, and there was my penny. Without it I was passed through with no problem. God does want our attention.

You may ask what do these have to with you? Well, maybe nothing, but maybe God is wanting to also talk with you. We need be aware that God wishes communication with us. The more we are aware and listen for him, the more acute our hearing becomes. This awareness will become increasingly important as we move into the near future. We need be immersed in the word, allowing him to cover and direct us.


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