where are you hiding?

Who is your God? Where are you hiding?
What is it that is occupying your mind. Why not talk about it with me? I am your father. I so enjoy conversation with you. You can not hide yourself from me. Open your inner self to me, allow me to work.

Make your decision. Be holy. Am I not the same God? I have changed the circumstances so you might grow and succeed in me. You can not produce holiness from your works, but by being with me.

Listen not to the voices of the accuser. He brings confusion. He twists and distorts the truth. In the end there is separation and death.

Talk with me about your disappointments and fears. Allow me to come near. It is not a time to withdraw from me. I am not angry with you, I wish you wholeness. Jettison the refuse and trash which has encompassed you. Allow my Spirit to wash over and through you. Do not hide your face in shame.

Remember the joy when as a child you would ride your bicycle.
Now ride upon my wings.

The Lord is compassionate and merciful; he is patient and demonstrates great loyal love. He does not always accuse, and does not stay angry. He does not deal with us as our sins deserve; he does not repay us as our misdeeds deserve. For as the skies are high above the earth, so his loyal love towers over his faithful followers.  As far as the eastern horizon is from the west, so he removes the guilt of our rebellious actions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on his faithful followers. Psalm 103:8-13 (NET)


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