things great and small


In my walk I came across a dying squirrel. I would not have noticed it if the dogs had not paused where they did.  I noticed a bad smell and looked about to see the squirrel lying, huddled in a ball. I could see the flies upon it. All the squirrel could do was barely raise its head, and weakly shake the tail to attempt to wave off the flies.

I walked away, so the dogs would not want to investigate. My initial thought was how to put the squirrel out of its mercy. I wondered what I might do and asked for God's mercy upon the squirrel. I was struck at the conflicting spheres which still must be within me when the mercy of man related to destruction. It was then I thanked God and prayed for the restoration of the squirrel.

The heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to mankind. Psalm 115:16 (NET)

you appoint them to rule over your creation; you have placed everything under their authority, including all the sheep and cattle, as well as the wild animals, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea and everything that moves through the currents of the seas.                  Psalm 8:6-8 (NET)


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