I recently asked to have a closer relationship with God. I missed the experiences I had previously had with some frequency. That evening while reading the Bible I saw the numbers 328 flash clearly into my sight. I knew the numbers were from Him. I wrote them so I'd not forget them the next morning. As I was walking the dogs I asked God if those numbers were for me. Walking back towards home I came upon a dime. It was a confirmation. The type of confirmation I'd been used to having the years previously.

I sat with my Bible software looking for 3:28 scriptures in books I often found His words for me. But I found none, It was then my mind opened a bit and I began to search out for 32:8 scriptures. Again I'd gone to the same books, but with no confirmation until I came upon the Psalms. It was as if it were jumping off the page into my spirit.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will guide you with My eye.  (NKJV)

Wow... If He is guiding me with His eye, that means I will be close to Him and searching for the guidance he has. Yesterday I found another penny. Asking Him if the verse and penny were in deed from Him, I found another coin. This time it was a dime.  Another time that afternoon I saw another penny as I reach down for it, I immediately saw another penny, then the third one. In the next minutes I had five pennies.  Seven coins in all yesterday, seven the number of completeness.

I write this so you too can be encouraged.  We need to be seeking Him. In this times He needs a people who can shine His light in the darkness. Deuteronomy 4:29 tells us that if we seek him, will will find him. We need to learn to be seeking him with our heart and soul.

Be encouraged. He loves you. You are special in his sight. He wishes to teach us and guide us into His way.


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