Let there be light

In the beginning God created the sky and the earth.
The earth was empty and had no form. Darkness covered the ocean, and God's Spirit was moving over the water.  Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. Genesis 1:1-3 (NCV)

It is such with you. My Holy Spirit is brooding over and for you. Without me you remain empty and listless. I am searching, looking about for those who give themselves fully unto me.  Put away your double mindedness. Either I am the God of all, or I am nothing.

Seek me. The body, yours or the corporate body without the spirit is dead. I will strengthen you. Allow my light to drive away the darkness. Allow me to bring you clarity of vision.

I am yet creating my ways within those who know me. They will do great exploits in my name. I am the God of new beginnings. Let me wash over you. Drink in my refreshment or remain ever-dry.

The true light remains bright and unblemished. My true lights extinguish the darkness wherever they go.


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