walk in assurance

I am still saying, “Don’t be afraid.”
While many things have changed, my love for you is resolute.
Don’t be afraid of the things which come your way.
Rely upon me. Expand and stretch your faith. Reach out for
the dreams I have set inside you.

Release the grip of the evil one. He wishes to spread fear
within you.  Recognize his lies by knowing me. Dismiss all
things which are not of me. Walk in the way I have set for you.
Look for me and I will show my face.

Do not become discouraged by circumstances. You can be
my over-comer. Let your prayers and conversations with me
become real. Do not be afraid, but realize my light shines
from you. You are my representation to those about you.

I am what you need in these trying times. Do not fear,
but walk in assurance of me and my word.


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