you can choose

Be careful, or you will be fooled and will turn away to serve and worship other gods. See, today I am letting you choose a blessing or a curse. Deuteronomy 11:16, 26 (NCV)
The wise seek me continually. Their eyes are set to where I am going, and not where I have been. You must more than know my voice. Do not grow weary, for I am with you. Follow me with joy.
Listen: for I am whispering my name for you. I am giving direction for your way.
Be fed by my words. Be washed clean by the water of Holy Spirit. He will lead you to Jesus. There are choices for your life. If you know my heart you will make the right ones. You were chosen to lead in these times. You are a light to those in darkness.
Worship me in Spirit and truth. Do not let the idols of this modern world. sway your heart into the path of destruction. Bless those about you through the example of your life. Yet as in all ways, the chose is your to make. You can choose a blessing or a curse.


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