interesting items from the Mount

The story of them coming for Jesus is recorded in all four gospels,
yet... each tells a unique aspect of the story.
The bond-servant of the high priest ear was cut with the sword.
Only in Luke 22:51, the physician, speaks of Jesus touching and healing him.
The name of this bond-servant, Malchus,  is given only in the account by John 18:10
Mathew 26:50 has Jesus addressing Judas, his betrayer, as a friend.
Jesus stepped forth asking them, “Who are you looking for?” John 18:4,
Imagine the surprise of Malchus when Jesus come forward to confront the army to get him, and then losing his ear, and next having it healed by the man he sent sent to get.  And the soldiers did not respond to the attack.
John 18:5, Jesus responds to them, “I AM” ( as his name) and the whole cohort (600 roman soldiers fall trembling to the ground) [the I am “He” was added by translators– not in the original scripts) In John 18:7 Jesus repeats the question, “Who are you looking for?”
Only one account writes of the young man who fled naked from the scene, this was Mark, the young man who had fled the scene.


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