Word for Laura:

Do you feel it? Can you sense my moving upon you?  I have been whispering,
giving you inklings and small dream snippets.  Now you will have more.  More
of me,  more of understanding what I wish to accomplish.  You can walk in a
new level, as you step forth in new obedience.
No, you don't need to understand, but you do need to take action.  Ask me
and see if I will not show you new things and ways which you have not yet
experienced.  I will flow thru you and into those I have targeted.
You will hear my voice. It will come upon you in any venue.  I will visit you during the night.  It is time to take action in the ways I will direct you.
Speak now my name in confirmation and see if I do not reach deep into you in
a new way.


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