Learn from me

Learn from Me:  originally posted 10/06/09

I had been praying in bed one recent night, talking with God when I was next
in a twilight sleep. I heard him speak to me, "What do you see?"
Instinctively I opened my eyes and said, "The door is open." I felt this
flood of peace pass through me and I thanked him.

A few days later I asked him again about the open door and it’s application
when I heard Jesus say.

"Allow me to be your example, for within me is life. I have successfully
traversed from life though death and into life again. I have gone through
the doorway ahead of you. Eternal life is yours. Healing is your inheritance.

Come to me and learn rest. My ways have not changed. Take my yoke. 
Allow me to direct your journey. Allow my spirit to work it’s way within you. 
Learn from me. Let me become your example. All that I have is yours."


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