Allow Me

Allow me to express my love for you.
Do not stay nearsighted, for I see your heart
and the image of my son being formed within you.

You are my redeemed creation.
Learn to walk in my authority.

Confess you sins and repent that I might cleanse you.
Allow me to bring restoration.
Allow me to draw close to you.

If you listen
you will hear clearly without a doubt
what I am speaking to you.

I am speaking to you that you might continue to grow.
Have no fear. For my love is pure.
My ways are righteous.

It is time for you to confront my enemies.
Resist them in love.

My truth is life
and breaks the traps and snares set for you.
My anointing will free you.

Release your anxiety.
Trade it for what I have for you.
Search my word.

Speak my word aloud.
Allow your ears to hear what I am saying through you.
I can speak no lies.

Proclaim my ways.
Do not keep silent.
I am your protector.

Keep moving forward in my word.
Its truth will bring healing.

Stop wavering.
I will fulfill that which I have proclaimed.

Lay hands upon the sick and hurting
that my healing virtue may be released.

Experience my love.
It is never-ending.

Allow me to grant you the satisfaction
of walking in my anointing.

Speak my truth in your home.
Proclaim my truth in your neighborhoods and cities.

Allow me to complete the plans I have for you.
Allow me to demonstrate the vastness of my love


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