More of the Story: Three 75's

As some of you may remember, I recently wrote about the three 1975 coins I found in quick secession. As I was recently driving to an out of state church to minister, I asked the Father if I were to share about those three 75’s.

During that time I had listened to some teaching cd’s and a worship cd, but now had the radio turned to talk radio. It was a public radio station. The guest began talking about earthquakes, particularly the under sea centered ones in recent weeks on the coast of California. He was explaining them to be off shore and deep, but that more were “soon” expected.

It was when he said that there were four quakes of significant magnitude, a 7 and a 5 and another 7 and 5. That was two sets of 75. It truly caught my attention about the potential for underwater disaster affecting California. I asked God, if the three 75 he had spoken to me were related, and that another set of earthquakes should be expected.

As I sought confirmation about this, work-truck passed by me on the highway. It was white and on the passenger’s side, in my easy site was a single word, in large letters, “Water”. He impressed upon me, that we have an opportunity for prayer, one in which damage and loss of life can be minimized or even prevented.

While we all have things to pray for, we have a call to ward off this potential disaster. Are you willing to take the time and ask for divine intervention for these other people who will be affected?


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