the diviner's rod

Ask Yahweh for rain in autumn and at the time of the spring rains. Yahweh is the one to make the storm-clouds. He will give them showers of rain; to each, grass in his field. Since the domestic idols have talked nonsense, and the diviners have seen false signs, and dreams have purveyed delusions, affording empty comfort, that is why they have strayed like sheep, in distress for want of a shepherd. Zechariah 10:1-2 (NJB)

A diviner’s rod is forked. It is a Y-shaped tool that is used to search for water, to predict the place where a well should be drilled. In this verse, Zechariah 10:2, we are told diviners are not to be trusted. They lie and offer false dreams.

Why would we knowing pursue falsehood or trust the words and dreams of fortune tellers? We are to trust God. The Holy Spirit speaks truth and does not offer false hope. The diviner’s rod is
false. The motives are twisted. While it may lead to water, they speak of an impure flow.

Yahweh is our provider God. His ways are straight. His ways are truthful. He will supply us with fresh water. He brings rain. We are told to ask for it in due season. He can also bring refreshment in dry times; producing water from the hardness of rocks.

Today, if you find your hands are clinging to a diviner’s rod, release it; else you will stray further from God and into the camp of the lying enemy.


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