I am the fire

I am the fire
and express myself in many ways.

I am the fire that did not consume the bush.
My ways are to draw you aside to me.
Turn aside and see
if I am not calling you to a new level of relationship.

I am a pillar of fire
That offers direction in times of darkness.
I am high and lifted up
So that all who would look for me
Can clearly see where,
and when I am moving.

I am the fire visible on Sinai.
I am found in the mountains of testing.
Are you willing to take time to search my ways?
My glory is awesome. From within my fire
You shall receive instruction.

I am the fire.
I express myself to my people who call upon my name.
No enemy will mock my name.
I am a consuming fire that destroys impurity bold enough to approach me
in ways I have not sanctified.

I am the fire.
I go before my people
that your pathway is clear.
There is no mistake to my leading.
My enemies will be destroyed.
I will burn the gates of the proud and haughty.

I am the fire of purity.
I bring purity to those who seek me with their whole heart.
I am the fire of protection for those
who walk in my ways.

I am the flame that comes as tongues of fire
upon those who wait for me.
I released my fire into each one
that you might lead the way to my holiness.

I am the fire past. I am the fire present and future.
Seek my son.


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