Eyes and Ears

Our bodies are to be sanctuaries. As believers, the Holy Spirit abides within us. We as a corporate church and as individuals are sacred to Him (1 Corinthians 3:17, 6:19). We are responsible for what we allow and maintaining a holy lifestyle. I’ve found that God often brings things to light in natural ways to remind me of spiritual principles.
And the LORD said to me, "Son of man, take careful notice; use your eyes and ears. Listen to everything I tell you about the regulations concerning the LORD's Temple. Take careful note of who may be admitted to the Temple and who is to be excluded from it.” Ezekiel 44:5 (NLT)
I’d gotten out a teaching CD to listen in the car on my commutes to and from work. I found an interesting reminder. The speaker was stressing the importance of our spiritual eyes and ears.
We are to use our eyes and ears. Throughout scripture we are reminded as to the importance of our spiritual eyes and ears. In keeping from certain things their acuity increases. Conversely, seeking God and his ways, through spending time with Him, our spirit eyes and ears gain acuity. We gain new levels of understanding.
Recently I was going to play some music on my computer, when to my surprise I couldn’t. As I checked further, it was not a volume issue, but it said it could not find an audio devise. Yet it showed no errors. For several days I attempted to rectify the problem. I’d r gone through the Windows troubleshooting routine, reinstalled drivers, yet nothing had changed. So I broke down and bought a new audio card.
I opened the tower and seated the card into an available slot and installed the new drivers. As the computer was rebooting I got a surprise. It now showed that I have the availability of two audio devices. The original devise had now become visible. Both now worked fine.
In the midst of this computer work I had another issue. My flat panel monitor no longer worked. I carefully followed the output lines and checked the power, but nothing. I was getting to picture, because it had no power. To be sure it was the monitor and not an issue with another component of the computer; I borrowed the monitor from another computer. It worked fine.
I didn’t want to spend the money, but with a monitor, a computer is useless. I checked for a new monitor. I found one on sale at an ok price, so I ordered it. When I brought it home, I was cleaning away the work area to set up the new monitor. I’d returned the borrowed monitor to the proper computer and was set to open the new monitor. But I heard a voice, “Why not try the monitor again?” I wasn’t happy about the idea of having to get back down on the floor to again set the cable to the computer tower and reattach the power, something I’d done too many times in recent hours. But I did as I heard. And yes, as you might guess it worked. The “broken” monitor now gave a fine picture.
So, you ask, “What does this mean”? I was immediately drawn to the scriptures and the teaching I had been listening to on our spiritual eyes and ears. In one sense I was given a practical example of a spiritual application.
In the church body there are many members, with differing gifts and functions. All are important. Yet to be most effective all must be in properly seated and functioning. As one whose responsibility it is to grow the body to its maturity I must be doing what I am gifted to do. If my spiritual ears and eyes are not properly functioning how can I communicate what the Father wishes to do?
As we approach this new year, let us examine ourselves and motives. Let us draw closer to the Father. We can make an attempt to grow more in the ways of Jesus, trusting the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We can live a life of holiness.

We all have a responsibility to have our ears and eyes properly attuned on a personal and corporate level. We are to be the place of his habitation. We must hear what the Father is telling us. We must learn to see clearly with spiritual eyes so we can use discernment and know the heart of the Father is for restoration all that has been lost.
"But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear.”Matthew 13:16 (NLT)


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