What are you expecting?

Increase your spending this Christmas season. God encouraged me by explaining that He desires to spend time with each of His children. He wants to build relationships with His friends. Expectations are a natural part of building maturing relationships.

We are to begin to expect God in unexpected places. He wishes to reveal Himself to us, as well as to the lost. Ask Him and see if He brings us dreams and visions in the night (Daniel 7:2). He wishes to show us His ways and plans. Are you not His child?He wishes to teach us even as we sleep (see Psalm 16:7, Psalm 17:3, Psalm 42:8).

He wishes to challenge His people to grow in His way. Begin to ask for more. There is much to be done. We are to receive from God so we might give to others. Allow James 4:2 to remind us that we are to pray/ask God for the things we want and need. It is in our growing relationship with God that we can see how faithful he is to reveal His word.

"For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, to your amazement he will show him even greater things than these" (John 5:20, NIV). As this Christmas season approaches, ask yourself, What do I expect of God? If you are expecting nothing, that is exactly what you will receive, nothing.

We are to exercise our faith so that we may be prepared to do the works that will soon be necessary of God's people in advancing the kingdom. Challenge God and surprise yourself; allow your level of faith to be increased. You'll not receive a stone or a scorpion (Luke 11:10-13).


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