it’s the season

One of the things God wishes is for us to prosper. He gives us what we need and in his grace, he withholds that which we deserve. We grow in our ways of experiencing God by being aware of his written word and also by our willingness.

If we are not willing to grow, our spiritual life will become stunted. We’ll become lax in prayer time and reading the scriptures. We’ll find excuses for not giving and begin to miss gathering together for services. In essence we die.

It is not God’s wishes for that to happen, but we have the responsibility. Someone recently asked me, “What’s God saying for next year?” I initially wondered why she was asking me, but as I read it, I heard God chide me, as for why I had not inquired. Ask for nothing and it’s what you’ll receive.

I did ask Him. I received a several things. As I share, you will need to pray for application where God has you. I repeatedly heard the phrase “It’s the season for giving of gifts”. The more we give the more He can give back to us. If we withhold sharing with others then that is what we will receive. Our one mina will remain buried in the ground. "Then another servant came in and said to the king, 'Sir, here is your coin which I wrapped in a piece of cloth and hid”Luke 19:20 (NCV).

I was reminded of a short portion of scripture in Luke 19:46. The king said, 'Those who have will be given more, but those who do not have anything will have everything taken away from them’ (NCV). For us to grow in relationship with God, we must experience Him. That is why Jesus came, that we might experience what God has for us. We must not be satisfied, or wait with the attitude of “If God wants to show me something he will”. We must be ready. We must be prepared to want more of God. As we do, our experiences will deepen and become more frequent.

Yes, it’s the season. It’s the time of the kingdom. We have received spiritual gifts and can receive more; more for drawing others into the kingdom of God. More for the freeing of those caught in snares; for healing and blessing those around us less fortunate.

You want more this season? Ask God and be ready to give away.


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