Release my words, not your own

One of the things I’ve heard God speak to me about the coming year related to a crossing over into the land of promise.

Many are impatient, wanting to move across the river on their own. Your zeal is seen and is commendable. You wish to do great feats; and you will in my timing. If you are released prematurely you risk losing the higher calling I have for you.

Others of you too are impatient. I have filled you with a righteous impatience and have placed you in situations to test your maturity. You have passed this test. You thought you were forgotten and I’d sent others over in your place. That is not so. I’ve taught you what is necessary for this next step.

Renew your time in prayer. Pray with expectation. Proclaim aloud what I am about to show you. There is no time or reason for timidity. Release my words, not your own and watch the enemy withdraw. Speak forth what I have told you and see truth prevail.

As you follow forth what I have set forth for you, there will be an opening of your eyes into my realm. This is not as a reward, but so you may be encouraged. There is a fierce battle coming and I want you to know you are prepared. I have supplied what you need for what I’ll instruct you.

You are apart of the vanguard of the warriors of praise. Do not fall back onto old ways and methods. You will be moving in the flesh and an open target for the enemy. Be secure in me. Proclaim the victory of my son.

Don’t fear the roar of the enemy. It is his tactic to release fear and destroy the weak and fleeing. He raises his voice so he might find you. You see, you are hidden in me, if you follow as I direct. I am your continuing protection.


Anonymous said…
Yes, Amen Very good word from the Lotd He has been speaking to me the same thing. There is a mighty battle coming and to just stay clost to Him and abide in him. Draw close to Him. Hide His word in your hearts. I live in Indiana.

debbi rennier

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