another set of paradigms

Late this afternoon I stopped at a store before taking the dogs for our walk. On the way to the car I saw a dime. As I reached to pick it up, I saw another. I bent over picking them up simultaneously, one in each hand. I heard myself say, "Another set of paradigms." I wondered what God may want to be saying.

We went onto our walk. As soon as we got out of the car we heard a train passing. Both the dogs and myself are fascinated to see them pass by.

As we walked a bit, we came across two parked cars, the people were sitting on the picnic table talking as we walked by. Unusual I thought, as it was cold to be sitting/chatting outside.

Further along, the dogs are excitedly barking. Two adult whitetail deer run across our pathway. They stop a safe distance away from us and look at the dogs who are still barking at them.

Now we are walking back to the car, and there is another train. It caught my mind again, there were several "pairs" today. Two dimes, two dogs, two people chatting outside on a picnic table, two trains and two deer. What paradigm am I to watch out for?


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