my food for thought: then, now and later

Recently I was reading, sitting at my computer when I heard the Father-God speak to me. It was but one sentence, for which I knew I was to think over. He asked, “What do you want to do?”

I was drawn back to another time when several years prior. He gave me a verse through the time of my clock as I was driving to a conference. He asked, What time is it?” I had to look. I said, it is 6:27. I knew there was a very specific 6:27 verse for me. And for some unknown reason I knew it was in Jeremiah.

I read Jeremiah 6:27 several times in different translations to see what I might glean. It was when I read from George M. Lamsa’s translation (1934, A. J. Holman Company). I was taken back to that verse in relation to the question.

I have set you as a seer among my great people, that you may know and understand their ways.” Jeremiah 6:27.

It took several years for me to any any internal thoughts as to what he was initially asking/saying to me.


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