looking back… and forward

Last Christmas morning I took the dogs out for our morning walk. As we approached the park entrance I saw the gate was closed for the holiday, so we could not drive through the normal entrance. I turned and found a place to park the car a short distance away. I opened the car-door to get the dogs.

They were excited to get out, but I could see they were puzzled as to "where" they were.  Once on the leash we began to walk. The smaller of the two looked about and then was excitedly pulling at the leash. The other sister just followed along.  We walked down the street, crossed over the road and entered beside the closed park gate.

I wonder how often we may be like these dogs, confused when God changes our geography or expectation. We can go through life expecting more of the same, but I don't sense that is how God has it planned.

Moses got years of preparation herding sheep, what seemed far away from his past or even his future. Elijah got caught unprepared for the spiritual battle and ran away. Ezekiel and Daniel were taken taken captive and transported far from there homeland. Jonah had a tough lesson to learn in redeeming his enemies.

We all have our personal lives and battles. Like my dogs we can become seemingly lost when in fact we are but a few yards from our destination. We need ask for clarity, expecting to receive an answer.

Do not be satisfied with the status quo, but be open to trust God with an expectation of a clear answer. Excitedly get out of "your "car". You have favor with the Father. He knows where he is taking you.  Live your life looking for more of Him.


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