a releasing

My love for you does not waver. My plans for you have not changed. There is nothing you can do to make me love you any less or any more than I love you at this very moment.

You are my prize. In you I am pleased. You have favor with me.
There is more for you. I am not yet finished. There are more things I have for you to do. Ask me and I will show you.

Listen for my voice, for I am speaking to you, Recognize my ways
and respond without fear.

Extend yourself. Reach towards what you know me to be telling you. You can see can succeed. You can not fail. My hand of protection is about you. Seek me without fear. I am releasing blue diamonds as I open my right hand.

As I heard those words, I saw a hand open and dark blue jewels fell from it.Though a dark they shone brightly. It became like a grid of connecting streaks of light from these blue diamonds until the whole earth was interconnected.


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