stand firm

Moses said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand firm and see the salvation of the LORD that he will provide for you today; for the Egyptians that you see today you will never, ever see again. The LORD will fight for you, and you can be still.”                         Exodus 14:13-14 (NET)

Where do you stand today? Has your world come to an end or are you willing to trust in me? It is through the death of one that all may live.

It is through the obedient and sacrificial life that the cost of sin has been paid. Rejoice in the life which is yours, now learn to walk in it, sharing with those about you.

Today the season have changed. My winds blow a strong warning. Can you hear them? They speak of my gathering in. Do not mistake my tarrying as a sign. I will certainly complete what I said I will do. My mercy and righteousness co-exist.


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