for Nick and Nat

This (these) Words are for Nick and Nat.  While you do not know me, know without a doubt that Father-Creator-God knows you.

This is for you two who are so different and yet so alike. For the two who are so loved by the Father-God, whose hand is upon them and whose love has never left them; whose dream for them has never changed. Be encouraged, for the hand of God is yet upon you.  Be encouraged, for He is watching over you in these times. Be encouraged, His love has not changed, but will continue to change you, and you will change others as He works through you.   He loves you.

Nick - He wishes to remind you that you were created with a purpose, in His image. Do not become discouraged in this season of change.  But be an encourager.  Now is the time to speak to others the changes I can make.  Within you is a untapped deposit of healing.

I will flow flow through you to others. As you continue to seek more of me, you will begin to see it as a residual in others. I am working though you to reach those who desperately reject me in their loneliness and personal separations.

Nat - In my eyes and timing, you have a rich and clean palate.  There is a fullness which has not yet been expressed.  Step beyond your insecurity and allow me to hold you. I will wash away the grime the enemy has set upon you. I will anoint you again with life and freedom.

I proclaim my blessing upon what you shall do and the enemy can do nothing. I hear your calling out to me.  Allow me to show you more. Allow me to open your ears and eyes into the deeper things I have. Allow me to love you, so you might shed my love and acceptance to others through the new canvasses I shall show you.


Nick and Nat - In this new time, this new quarter, I speak new life and growth.  I cover you with a new anointing which others will see, yet not fully understand. Allow me to direct the steps of your lives together in my plans.


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