Speak to it!

I have a new car and it has many new items my previous car did not have. I’ve had this car but ten days and I am still learning “where” things of operation and how to make simple adjustments such as setting the mirror, where cruise control is or is not located.

This morning I could not get the radio turned on. I pushed all the buttons I had seemed to previously use and yet I got no response. So I drove to work in the morning silence. After work I got in the car, pressed the buttons to play the radio or adjust the stations, and like earlier that day, I got no response. So I drove on, and fiddled again with the audio panel trying to get any response, other than, "there is no cd to eject".

Then I thought, what about the audio controls on the steering wheel, which are to allow me to work "hands free".  I told it, "Let me play the radio", and I received a verbal response, "I can't do this. Turn the radio on".

"What??" I heard myself think and say aloud. I reached over, touched the button.  The panel lit up and the radio began to broadcast.  Strange I thought.  It seems all I needed to do was to speak to it to receive directions.  As I pondered, I heard Father say, "Speak to your problems and see if I won't make a way.

It is something He's been trying to teach me:  Speak to things. Release Him to others so he can work.  He will tell me "what" to speak after I respond in obedience.

“Thus says the LORD, ‘Stand in the court of the LORD’S house, and speak to all the cities of Judah who have come to worship in the LORD’S house all the words that I have commanded you to speak to them. Do not omit a word! Jeremiah 26:2 (NLT)


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