critters in the attic

I’d had been in a period of internal turmoil and discontent. In my
temperament I mostly kept the issues to myself. In these type of
times we lose the ability to clearly hear and interpret what God
is often showing us.
In the natural I began hearing small chewings and noises in our home.
I would hear it then it would be gone for a day. Next it became clearly
louder.  It seemed that we had some sort of animal noise sounds coming from
the attic.  One day after work, I was clearly shown the handiwork of
squirrel.  It had made an entrance into the home around
I called wildlife management folks to come. They went into our attic for an
inspection.  It was good news, in that there were no obvious signs that
there were raccoon or squirrels.  They were no nestings or damage. There,
things were fine. Next in their investigation they examined our roof, and
the overhangs for signs of animal damage. It seems we found but the one
entrance and in a few days we caught the squirrel in a live-trap and it was
release to another location. Damage correction to the home is underway.
Just as our home, we too are a habitation. We need to be able to examine
ourselves. We must be willing to take the action to rid of critters we can't
get ourselves.  We should have those others we can invite into our lives to
look about and inspect for damage. We need other humans, as they need us.
I was much better, clearly seeing the hand of father in my like's
circumstances.  I work at a hospital, ad few days later, I was at our annual
health exams. It was one of those 15 minutes things we go through so we
might get health insurance. They measure our height, weight, a few simple
labs for glucose and cholesterol type levels.
I was taken by surprise at my extremely elevated BP. More than an hour
later I went back for a third BP reading. It too remains significantly high.
I called my family physician to see if I could get in for a appointment
to begin treatment for this new thing, but had to wait a few days to get
an appointment.  I was shaken and wondered if I need to something now.
I did not know any local urgent care were located. A work friend stepped in.
She made a phone call and in the next moment I was walking in the back
way our Emergency Room. I was registered in the room and was evaluated.
More tests ECG's and X-Rays were done.  A few hours later, the physician
came back to talk with me. There was nothing abnormal, but my blood
pressure and she wanted to be sure I'd make an appointment to see my family
doctor.  I told her I already had one made and returned back to my work
office.  I felt the peace of God enveloping me.
he next evening our cocker spaniel began acting poorly. She was shaking, and
panting as if she had a fever. When se walked, she seemed unstable on her
feet, so that late evening I took her on a trip to the emergency vet
hospital to be examined. Next she became better. She was steady on her feet
and sure she was ready to leave this veterinary hospital. She was started on
some temporary meds and we came home where she still seems fine. This
occurred six months to the day we had to have her sister put to sleep for a
debilitating disease.
I say all this to remind you that the enemy will test you, try to kill you
or the destroy the peace in your life. But rest assured:  Father is
there.  Avail yourself to his direct and indirect ways to draw you closer.
Open your life and eyes to that fact that He uses others in your life.


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