
Walking my dog this morning I was made aware I had several names which
I called her.  She would eagerly respond to each name I did call her. It was
then I heard father speaking to me.
I have many names for you. You are each of them and yet much more. They,
each name, is a description of a characteristic I have imbedded within you.
You are many things, complex and simple.
You are mine. Do not be caught in the names which you are known. You are
much more. More than what you sense is the best or the ones which tear you
down. You are mine. Within the many names for you is a piece of the whole.
They reflect a portion of me which others may recognize. Yet you are far
more valuable to be defined by a name which can be defined.
Your name is Jacob, but you will no longer be known as Jacob. Israel will
be your name. From then on, God addressed him by his new name: Israel.
Genesis 35:10 (VOICE)
Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked
straight at Elymas and said, Acts 13:7 (NIV)


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