something new, all over again

I am an early morning frequent-dreamer. Hardly a morning passes that when I
get up I can remember of dreaming, but have not been good at writing my
dreams, thus remembering them. So I asked father to help me awaken and
remember my dreams.

This Sunday morning I had a dream, in my sleep I heard this loud tapping and
awoke to see what was causing this noise. To my surprise, the answer was
easy to ascertain. Beside me my sleeping dog was dreaming and her tail was
beating on the bed.

It was a pleasant/exciting time in the dream. I was riding a bicycle. I
remember passing through wide ranges of scenery, when I found myself in a
large hilly area, I was coating downhill, but on a highway. I felt safe and
don't member having any traffic to contend with. The right pedal of bike
broke off and I was unable to pedal, so I pulled off the first exit and
found myself coasting down the street of a town within traffic. I was coming
to a large incline when I saw an area where I could safely exit.

The next part of the dream, I was thanking someone for helping me repair the
bicycle and was back on my bike, when I realized I did not know where I was,
so did not know how to get back home. It seemed I dad been there for a long period
of time. That is when I was awakened by my dog in her dream.

There are several layers of this dream; several which are for me, but not
exclusively. Some of us have been asking about direction, or "where" I am
to be going. You've arrived somewhere and now find your way home.
As in the dream, he's got someone there now who will help you. It may be
in the fixing of your broken bicycle or it may be with directions.

You will find yourself again riding that bicycle your started in your
journey with God. It's something past all new again in term of how
you once ministered in your daily life. He will supply what is needed.
He will keep you safe as you travel to places you've not seem before,
places where you may need to turn off the main road.


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