a look at faith

So it was not by obeying the laws in Moses’ Teachings that Abraham
or his descendants received the promise that he would inherit the world.
Rather, he received this promise through God’s approval that comes by faith.

If those who obey Moses’ Teachings are the heirs, then faith is useless
and the promise is worthless. The laws in Moses’ Teachings bring about anger.
But where those laws don’t exist, they can’t be broken.
Therefore, the promise is based on faith so that it can be a gift.

Consequently, the promise is guaranteed for every descendant,
not only for those who are descendants by obeying Moses’ Teachings
but also for those who are descendants by believing as Abraham did.
He is the father of all of us,
‭‭Romans‬ ‭4:13-16a‬ ‭(GW)


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