Let the eyes of your heart be opened.
Allow the veil to be pealed away.
Be zealous for me.
Seek my ways that I might hear you and answer.

Turn away from what assails you.
It seeks to dull your vision. It is in opposition to me.
Appose the way of the enemy by being hidden in me. Do not draw attention to yourself or what I am doing through you. There is more.

There are more anointings for those who remain in me. There is fresh manna for what I am about to do. Let the eyes be opened by my Spirit so you might see what we are doing.

Let your heart be burdened for what burdens me.
Allow me to cut away the calluses that insulate you.
Be tender in my ways.

Lean on me and my ways.
I am brining refreshing for those who are dry.
Within the new levels of trust come new ways of releasing me.

Keep yourself from sin. Avoid that which you know is wrong. Seek to draw nearer to me and I will reveal what needs to fall away. Turn from accusing one another. Do not become the judge of your brother, less I judge you. Let there be no jealousy among you for I have gifted you all and find great value in all of my children.

New anointings are available. They flow in the wind of my Spirit. Move where the Spirit directs and participate in what we are doing.

My Spirits and watchers are among you. Even now they report to me. They are delivering messages of instruction to those who will see and hear me.

Stretch beyond what you already know of me and what I have done in your past. Your vision of what I am doing is to be ever-expanding.

Seek forgiveness whenever you have wronged one another. Learn the humility of the one who has already died for you. You are seated with him and not in your past.

Love one another and bring healing. Uphold my appointed leaders. Let your prayers and petitions be known, that I may act in their behalf.

Listen with my ears to those I am sending to you. You will find within them the ways of my son. I am about to multiply my ways in the lives of those who are ready; Recognize me.

Stop withholding what I have planted within you. Do not be falsely humble. Trust in me and not in yourself. I will reward you with increasing joy. There will be a renewed sense of fulfillment, a purpose long-felt dried up; But no more. I am that purpose.

I am the way. In me you will be renewed. Open your eyes. Seek me. Continually knock at my door in expectancy that I may answer.

Let your heart and eyes be opened to me and what I am about to do.


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