watching the time

God watches over our lives. He has been speaking to many about seeing or knowing the seasons and time. I find it interested how he speaks. For me, it’s often in everyday circumstances that he highlights items. In our family we have two cocker spaniel puppies, so we take frequent walks to exercise them.

One of the dogs has always been proud to find things she can carry during our walks. She’ll hold a stick or something she finds interesting in her mouth as we walk. When she finds the prize the way she walk changes. She now struts in show-cocker style and holds her tail-stub upright.

This week was no different. We were on an early evening walk when I felt her pulling at the leash to go further into someone’s front yard. I paid little attention until I saw something dangling from her month. Upon closer inspection I could see an unusual prize dangling from her mouth.

It was a wrist-watch. We stopped as she reluctantly gave up her prize. It was not ours to keep. I took a quick glance at the time. I laid the watch on the driveway of the home she had obtained it so the owner might rightly re-claim it. I felt the urge to check the time on the watch, but did not. After the walk I went back to the spot but the watch was no longer there. The time was gone.

Don’t’ waste opportunities. Seize the time while it is available. I know the Spirit of God is speaking many things for those who might see or perceive. We too are to take hold of the time given us, yet be willing to let go. It is an illusion for intercessors to be on their watch-time.

Do not hesitate. Be about whatever it is God is prompting you to do.

And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it. 2 John 1:6 (ESV)


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