you are the light
My children,
I want to remind you who sits on the throne of the highest heavens.
I am yet creator, king and commander of the Hosts of heaven.
Do not become distracted by the enemy. He roars to see who is scared
and who he can flush out, that they might react on their own.
Fear not. Stay near me. Nothing has changed but circumstances.
My word brought forth light. My voice continues to dispel darkness.
Walk secure in my truth. Darkness is yet an absence of my light.
Darkness is the place where I send those I trust, so that I might breakthrough
I am yet creator, king and commander of the Hosts of heaven.
Do not become distracted by the enemy. He roars to see who is scared
and who he can flush out, that they might react on their own.
Fear not. Stay near me. Nothing has changed but circumstances.
My word brought forth light. My voice continues to dispel darkness.
Walk secure in my truth. Darkness is yet an absence of my light.
Darkness is the place where I send those I trust, so that I might breakthrough
and destroy the works of evil. You are the light of the world.
My glory illuminates the truth. It breaks the lies of bondage.
It utterly destroys all that resists me.
Walk in the love you have been shown. I am the Lord of Hosts.
I will accomplish what I have planned. I am the great restorer.
Walk in the love you have been shown. I am the Lord of Hosts.
I will accomplish what I have planned. I am the great restorer.