in the fullness of time

You are of great value. Covered by blood, you are fully pardoned through its redemptive power. The Spirit of the Father will guide you into the ways of liberty and relationship. Learn obedience to his voice and you will walk into the deeper ways.

In the fullness of time I came that you be no longer be bound by chains. The record will show that I was slain. I am the full payment for you. You can not add to it or take from it.

I have chosen you to be where you are. You are my affect to a world in darkness and confusion. My healing virtue flows where you walk in me. Do not become puffed up with what I am about to show you. When you speak my words, chains are destroyed and hope is released; the enemy is powerless.

Be prepared. I am bringing forth a fire. I am shaking away all that can be removed. My holiness will prevail in my people.

Walk in faith. Find your security in me. Each step you take will strengthen your trust in me. Learn my character and compassion. Walk in willing obedience where I will lead you. Speak forth my words. They bring forth freedom to my created people.


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