a morning of unexpected things

You also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an unexpected hour." Luke 12:40 (RSV)

This has been a morning of unexpected things. They were not so much uncommon things, but the volume of occurrences in the morning hours that caught my attention. It began when I left the dogs outside. It was yet dark, but the routinely run out and look for the squirrels to chase them. This time I let them outside and very quickly heard them barking excitedly. It was a different bark, so I grabbed a flashlight and went out to quiet them. I could see them at the base of the tree looking upward. I could hear a noise and shone the light into the tree. There in the v of two branches was a small raccoon looking down at us. He did not seem overly happy with the reception he had received.

but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 (RSV)

Later, as it got lighter I opened the upstairs blinds so they could sit and watch out, a very favorite activity. I soon heard them barking again. It’s not uncommon when they see other dogs walking by there house. I took them downstairs and got them ready to go for a morning walk. As we exited the house they again got excited. Right there in front of us was a large Canadian goose. He strutted out the yard and down the sidewalk as if he too was taking his morning walk. By the time we came back, the goose was no where to be found.

for we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 (RSV)

My two dogs, Sophie and Sadie like riding in the car with me. It’s like a treat for them, so when I drive on short errands I ask them if they want to go in the car. They rush to the door waiting for me. As we drive down the street, I and they can see into a neighbor’s yard. There are fours ducks waddling about as if they lived there.

"Why do you call me `Lord, Lord,' and not do what I tell you? Luke 6:46 (RSV)

I routinely feed the birds and this recent cold snap depleted my stock, so birdseed was on my list of items for this morning. So we drove to the store which I normally buy the seeds. I find what I want and am walking back to my car with a bag of seeds in each hand. A ways to my right I see four ducks. Three males seem to be following after a younger appearing female. All four were making quacking conversation. I mimicked one of them and soon I had four ducks coming toward me. As I made the sound again, I had four ducks at my feet. So much to the point I bent down was actually pet the harassed female.

In the simple things of my life today I could hear the imprint of God. He was speaking. It was not in the overt call of the supernatural, but in that clear small voice. We must become aware of God’s way and methods, but we must also answer in obedience. We may not always understand what he is saying, but as we learn to respond to him, he increases his ways and presence in our everyday lives. It is there that we can touch others, brining them into his kingdom.


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