dream experience

In the dream I was with my "friend" and saw a large group of foxes travelling across the road from me. They were a distance away from me. The next moment, they are directly in front of me, and it is clear they are not foxes. They are a large sized dog about the height of a
golden retriever, but much heavier and thicker. I still do not recognize their breed.

One of then is looking directly at me, come up to me and pushes into my leg, as if in an introduction. I can remember they all had a clean semi-long brown non-descript coat.

I bend down and pet the lead dog. I could feel it had course thick fir. The next moment it is in my lap. I remember the smell of it's coat. It was not a
woodsy or doggy smell. It had a very pleasant distinct odor. It seemed as if we were communicating something.

I awoke feeling refreshed. I could sense God speaking something to me. I thought it unique that I remembered the sensation from the weight of the dog jumping onto my lap. I distinctly remember the good smell and
texture of the fur. These gave me more of an "experience" feel than that of a dream.

I thought about the dream as I drove to work. I work at a hospital and enter through an entry-way which has two sets of doors, creating a small ante room, where I need to swipe my card for the inner door to unlock.

Today as I came to those doors there was a dog standing in that room, looking about as if it were searching for someone. It seemed very friendly and happy to see me. As I spoke it quickly came beside me, pushing up
against my leg like the dog in the dream (though it looked nothing like it).

I leaned down to pat her, and she gave me a kiss. I opened the outer door and asked if she wanted out and she stepped out, watching me, as if expecting me to follow.

The two seemed like quite a combination; not a coincidence. The dream and then coming upon a dog in such an unusual place.


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