the sound of confusion

My sheep wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. My
sheep were scattered over the entire face of the earth with no one looking or searching for them. Ezekiel 34:6 (NET).

I was enjoying myself one day this week at a local mall. As I was walking about that sunny afternoon I heard God speaking. He asked me "What do you hear?"  My answer came readily. I answered, "I hear confusion.". My reply caught me by surprise. While it was true, I needed to ponder the "why" of the question.

Several days had passed as I thought of the question and my answer. I realized the scripture which Paul wrote to us through the church at Corinth (1 Corinthians 14:33). He is not characterized by disorder but by peace (NET).  As his agents on earth we reflect him.  Yet at the same time we must too realize God will bring what seems confusion. We can see that in two obvious places in scripture.

Look at what happened in the Shinar region of Babylonia (Genesis 11:1-9).  In keeping the peoples from becoming too proud. They had their own agenda and said, "Otherwise we will be scattered across the face of the entire earth."  Genesis 11:4 (NET). We smile now, because that is indeed what God had intended and what he caused them to do.

We can see in Acts 2 that the flow and filling of the Holy Spirit brought
confusion among the people. Any time God brings something significantly new it confounds us, as it is contrary to what we've come to know or expect.

Since I was asked the question I realized I had often seen the time 3:46, both in the early morning and the afternoon. I found no 3:46 scripture which spoke to me. I realized that he wanted me to expand my thoughts. Why limit the inquiry it to 3:46. That was when I found the intended message.

This oppressed man cried out and the Lord heard; he saved him from all his troubles.  Psalm 34:6 (NET). What a plan of salvation; that of both saving and life sustaining salvation.  In our time of stress and confusion we can cry out to God and be assured He hears and answers us.

We can also see God's heart in Ezekiel 34:6. He does not wish his sheep to be scattered about and shepherdless.  What a whole-God thought for this coming week; the time of Passover. He has parts of his flock which remain scattered and confused. They have yet to know the love of the chief shepherd.

We can offer them something by extending his love.  We can break-off the oppressive confusion of the enemy and offer a new paradigm of love through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.


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