walking across the water

As the night was ending, Jesus came to them walking on the sea.
Matthew 14:25 (NET)

Walking upon the water I am ever with you. Be washed by Ruach Elohim.  Feel the moisture of my breath upon your cheek. Do not withdraw from the opportunities to move in my authority. Come walk with me. Follow my lead.

Do not be caught in what they think you should be doing. Do not be
self-impressed or proud by what you see me doing through you.
Be holy in my holiness.

Ask of me. Continue in seeking.

There are water-spouts and typhoons. Be assured I have told you, you can walk upon the water. Examine yourself. How are you reacting towards those who bring criticism? Align your spirit to walk with me.  Observe me in your dreams. I am guiding you. Ask me about the obvious so I can answer you.

Come walk with me upon the waters. There are those on the other shore in need of me.


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